Recent charitable donations by A-Stat Office Technology Limited :
We have specialised in supplying charities with photocopiers and printers for over 20 years.
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Caudwell Children
Caudwell Children are a charity dedicated to helping children with terminal illnesses to have a last holiday with their family. We are very pleased to be in the position to support this organisation and their on-going hard work with a cheque for £1200.

ST Basils Foundation
David Westwood felt honoured to be able to present the St Basils Foundation with a cheque for £500.00. Pictured with David is Aeon Anderson. St Basils is a leading Charity specialising in preventing youth homelessness.

The Haven Wolverhampton
The Haven Wolverhampton helps vulnerable women and children escape domestic violence. A-Stat’s donation will assist the charity in providing adequate support services and assistance to those in need.
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